Getting good internet traffic is important to promote your website and do good business. So if you are not sure if your site is getting good traffic then you can use different tools for monitoring internet traffic. When you use the monitoring tools, it helps you to know if your website is getting good traffic or not. It helps you to determine whether the website is popular or not and also helps you to know from where you are getting more traffic. When you use the monitoring tools it also helps you to know from where the traffic is coming and where it is going. You can also use it to know which pages on your site are more popular and which needs to be changed. The monitoring tools like Google analytics also helps you to know at what time you get more traffic on your site. In this case if you want to maintain the site then you can do it at a time when the traffic is low. Monitoring the traffic can help you to design your ad campaigns also so that you can get more traffic at it. You can get the reports from the online media company that can help you monitor internet traffic easily.